Great story. I have heard there's minimum # of SDE experience required to become EM. What's your thought on that? What's too early?

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Hey Keyual. Thanks for asking.

Two main factors would affect this: skills and opportunities.

1. Skills: This depends on whether we are able to lead the team effectively. We need to have track records so that our managers know that we are reliable. For example, we are able to create guidelines, mentor members, or create and track team goals. As long as we can demonstrate these, it should be no problem. In most cases, we would need to be at senior engineer level at minimum.

2. Opportunity: This depends on whether there are management openings in the organization. If there are no openings, we might need to wait. This is something we cannot control. But once we are ready, we can talk to our manager to see if there are openings in other teams in the same organization.

It took me around 8 years, but it can vary among people. Some can make progress fast, others slower.

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Awesome! I really liked how you explained it by dividing into two factors. Appreciate for answering it.

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As a former manager, I can say that failing feels more personal and painful because it can directly impact team members - like not delivering a promised promotion. Unlike a bug that affects "a system", here you're affecting a close person's career and dreams. But these challenges are balanced by the incredible reward of enabling others' growth and seeing their success.

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